*Press release

From February 26th to 28th 2025, the NuCapCure partners came together in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, marking a major milestone in their mission. The progress meeting was hosted by the partner GalChimia.

Marking one year since NuCapCure officially launched, the progress meeting was filled with excited collaboration, innovation and problem-solving. With a shared passion, determination and drive to push boundaries in oncology, the partners discussed current progress, hurdles and next steps.

In discussing the importance of the progress meeting, Mónica Carreira, Scientific Innovation Officer at GalChimia, stated: “It was our great pleasure to host the first Progress Meeting for the NuCapCure project in Santiago de Compostela. As the hosting partner, it was not only our mission to provide the consortium with the right environment to analyse results and discuss challenges ahead, but also to celebrate the milestones already achieved.”

Carreira continued focusing on Santiago de Compostela as the location for the meeting: “As the first time in Galicia for the vast majority of partners, it was also important to us that they were able to meet with some of the local cutting-edge research groups developing new proton therapies and innovative approaches against glioblastoma. This will further strengthen the community and nurture future collaborations.”

NuCapCure is an innovative and pioneering multidisciplinary project bringing scientists from around Europe together with the same drive and objective: to ‘hijack’ cancer cells turning them into mini-chemistry laboratories, putting together the drugs which will lead to their own destruction through radical proton and neutron therapies.

In reflecting on the year of progress, Project Coordinator Dr Theodossis Theodossiou from the Universitetet i Oslo emphasised: “As in all projects, the first year is very crucial for understanding and assimilating the system we are working with, while at the same time making progress towards the final aim of the project. I feel we are off to a dynamic start with NuCapCure and that all partners have embraced the challenges with great enthusiasm and motivation.”

He continued: “The remarkable and very strong geoenergetics of Santiago de Compostela contributed to a great first project meeting with inspiring brainstorming and harmonisation of all the efforts within the consortium.”

Carreira agreed emphasising: “I believe we achieved the perfect balance of scientific discussion, community networking and cultural discovery for everyone.”

As the partners of NuCapCure step into another year, they are building on last year’s successes and moving closer to developing two groundbreaking therapies for Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) — the world’s most common yet incurable brain tumour.

In looking forward to the next steps for NuCapCure, Theodossiou added: “After this meeting, we know what to do and are ready to proceed with great resolution to make groundbreaking science, think out of the box and lay the next stepping stone towards making NuCapCure a success story in modern Oncology. We have put our heads together, strategised and now we will go forth and execute.”

Consortium Meeting NuCapCure 2025

NuCapCure First Progress Meeting (Santiago de Compostela, 27th February 2025)

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