Companies are always on the move, looking for opportunities and new businesses. So at GalChimia we have decided to give you a brief insight into our day-to-day life every quarter.
First of all, at the beginning of the year, the company applied for a Conecta PEME grant. This is a program organized by the Galician Region to foster Research & Development ties between academia and industry. For this end, we established a partnership with three other Galician companies and Academic centres and together presented a project called Neogalfarma. The project is based on the development of immune check point targeting cancer therapy using small molecules.
We also took part in 2 international events, with one focusing on agrochemicals – the ECPA/ECCA conference; and the second focusing on Medicinal Chemistry – Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry. The latter conference was held in Germany; it was the first time that GalChimia has presented its services in that country. Germany is our target market this year. In 2016 we intend to direct a great deal of energy towards penetrating this market.
What about our image? This first Quarter GalChimia updated its website, including an online shop containing most of the products in our catalogue. This will allow the rapid purchase of the specific impurities or metabolites listed in our online catalogue. All the products will include, as a minimum, HPLC for purification and NMR for identification.
That’s all for this quarter. More info in July for Q2.
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