Let’s start saying that 2020 was a really interesting year. Interesting in the sense of the old Chinese curse (which is in fact not Chinese at all, but that’s an interesting story by itself). Until the moment COVID-19 hit us, the year was going as expected: chemistry, projects, FTEs, the move to our new building… But from that moment on, and talking strictly from the business point of view, the year became a hands-on exercise on contingency plans: how to maintain our activity under the new restrictions, keeping our people safe while delivering the results expected by our clients. We would like to thank again our clients for their understanding and patience. They were mostly facing the same restrictions we were suffering, but they maintained their projects with us, so our main concern was not having to reduce our staff but delivering the promised results. It was stressful, but much less stressful than the alternative. We stablished cleaning and isolation protocols and a shift system and went back to work. A couple of months later, we moved to our new, shiny labs, which was both a pleasure and a pain, as all moves are. In only one week we were working full steam in our new facilities and delivering products. So let’s see the figures from last year:
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