The value of Communication becomes vitally important when the significant growth of the company makes necessary, more than ever, to maintain a unified and clear message to avoid distortions. None of our values would make sense without the common thread of the direct, fact-based communication that facilitates collaboration and the achievement of common goals.
At GalChimia, we evaluate the purpose of our communications to ensure that the message is relevant to the receiver, is transmitted through the most appropriate channel, avoids the waste of resources and, ultimately, maximizes the quality of the conversation and feedback. In a scientific environment like ours, the clarity, brevity, and consistency of the message is of particular importance, and so we work to turn communication into a tool that enriches our results and favors our productivity, both with internal and external clients. For us, it is important to train the team in the use of positive, factual language, supported by active listening, seeking feedback and transparency in the content.